
Genesis Performing Arts

Grace in motion


The school offers classes for students aged from 2 years. All students are given the opportunity to perform in concerts, community events, and church services. Students may also participate in exams, competitions, dance camps, and workshops.

The school offers the following styles of dance:

Classical Ballet

The school follows the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), which is a syllabus taught worldwide. Ballet promotes correct posture and alignment, flexibility, strength, and control.


Includes styles of dance performed to top 40/popular music or Broadway musicals. This style is great for beginner dancers with upbeat music and energetic moves. The school follows the Australasian Dance Association (ADA) syllabus for examinations, and staff ensures that all music and choreography is age appropriate.


The school follows the Federal Association of Teachers of Dancing (FATD) and the Glenn Wood syllabus depending on the student's interests. Tap dancing promotes rhythm, co-ordination, and fine motor skills.


Involves slow, controlled, expressive movements requiring strength, balance, and flexibility. As this style is a combination of jazz and ballet, it is taught during these lessons. This is the style most often performed to Christian/worship music.

Dancer performing a penche


A similar style to modern, with a more abstract quality. The focus is on "dance as art". It is the style regularly performed by dance companies and is taught during jazz class for students aged 10 years and over.

Acrobatics for Dancers

This class involves a stretch and conditioning component and then work towards skills commonly performed in the dance arena such as rolls, cartwheels, baranis (no handed cartwheel), handstands, walkovers, backflips as well as some partner work. This class allows students to work at their own pace.

Additional training:

Stretch and Conditioning

Designed to supplement dance training by improving muscular strength, and flexibility as well as aerobic fitness. It incorporates the latest methods from Europe and the UK. This class is compulsory for all exam candidates, competition and company dance students if they do not take the acrobatics for dancers class.

Grace in Motion Dance Company

Students who demonstrate an appropriate standard and commitment to their training may by invited to join this company. This involves an extra class to learn routines for competitions and performances during church services and other Christian or community events.

Anatomy for Dancers

All students in grade 1 and over are taught some basic anatomy during class to gain an understanding of how their body works and moves. The anatomy curriculum is designed by a dance physiotherapist, Dr Melinda Purnell, who has an exceptional understanding of human movement and a passion for passing this knowledge on to her students in order to prevent injury and improve their skill.


All students are given the opportunity to perform in these events. Costume costs range from $10 to $60 per routine and ticket costs are very reasonable. Our concerts are approximately 2½ hours long with the majority of students performing in multiple items.


Students who display an appropriate standard of work are invited to participate in ADA tap and jazz, and/or RAD classical ballet exams. The school has a 100% success rate with many students receiving top results. Students who wish to attempt their ballet exam (Grade 1 and over) must attend 2 classes per week.


Students who show an appropriate standard of dancing ability are invited to compete. It is up to the student and their family how often they do so.

Dance camps/workshops

Students are regularly informed of upcoming dance camps and workshops. These are a great way of improving and learning new skills, meeting new people, and of course having fun!

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